| ![]() SO yes, i have a maid of honor and a man of honor. because krystle and aaron have both been my best friends for quite a few years i wantd them both to be my 'honors' so they will be sharing the 'honorary duties' krystle will be signing the marriage certificate and aaron will be saying the speech and together they will share the duties of planning the stagette and i think krystle will plan the bridal shower.. casue thats not really a boy thing.. lol about Aaron. Aaron and i have known each other since i was in grade 9.. he would have been in grade 11. we became friends through mutual friends and hung out in the same 'group' through most of high school and onward' after high school we lost touch. i moved to bc, he moved to japan and on the story goes untill about 4 years ago, when aaron joined facebook. we started chatting and quickly became great friends. Aaron has been a great friend to me, always willing to listen to my many rants, vents and even sometimes cries.. he has always been able to ground me when im letting reality slip away from me and make logic out of things that seem completely ridiculous to me. he always capable of making me feel better about things no matter how hopeless they seemed before the phone call, or even jsut to make me laugh when im having a crappy day. his friendship is truly truly appricated i dont know what i would have done without him these past 4 years.. and i am so happy that i am going to be able to share this special day with him :) ![]() hello, it feels like this year couldnt go by fast enough, however things are starting to progress now. we did out engagement photo shoot on sunday and it went very well.. we started in a japanese garden at a park.. than went to this really cool tunne under a bridge thats covered in graffiti and has old broken down trains parked under it.. and got some really cool pics theres and than we did soem at a water fall at justic park and some on a playground. they are still being edited but the ones iv seen so far are amazing. anyone looking for a wedding photographer let me know she is my ex mother in law and she is FABULOUS and compared to most wedding photographers very inexpensive. i will post pics as soon as they are all done.. cause there are tons. so once they are finished i will pick my favourites and post them on here for everyone to see. next big news is that i have officially ordered my wedding dress. it is being made and will hopefully be here by early november.. i CANT WAIT to try it on. i ordered it online so i couldnt try it on first but i know my size pretty well and can always get it altered. cant wait to start shoppingfor my wedding shoes and jewelry to go with it. also i need to find some handbags for me and the girls.. thinking of taking a trip out to edmonton to visit my maid of honor and go shopping :) i will add a pic to the bottom of this one for a sneack peek at our photo shoot.. :) ![]() MEET MY MAID OF HONOR KRYSTLE JONES Krystle has been my best friend for about 3 years now. she has been my biggest supporter in everything that i do. she has become part of my family. she has always been there wheather it was to be my side kick at the clubs on a saturday night if iv had a bad week, wheather she feels like partying or not she'll be there, or wheather its sitting at the play ground with me and playing with my son.. or just coming over to make dinner and have a quiet night in. she has listened to me vent and calmed me down she has been there when i cried and when i laughed. she is the only person i know that could spend an entire week in mexico with me and not get annoyed with me for planning our every move. she is always willing to just go with it. she has not missed a single event that i have planned, from house warming party's to braidens birthdays. she has dropped everything to accompany me on roads trips when i needed a friend. there is no one more deserving of this title. she is my best friend, my family, my maid of honor. hello again, its been a while since i have kept on this... all the wedding plans have kinda gone on hold this summer but we are jumping back into it full force.. and excited to be doing so.. i think i will start introducing the wedding party in future blogs.. i will start with my bridesmaids/men first and than move on to the groomsmen. i cant wait for the big day its seems so far away and yet somehow i have a feeling its going to creep up on us very fast :) good morning again... so wedding dress shopping was a success although i only tried on one.. it was stil fun. apparently u need an appointment to try on dresses.. hmm.. but i had planned to get mine online anyways .. and trying in that one helped me plan which type i want AND i finally decided on my dres going to order it soon that way i have to time send it back if i need or get any alterations done. now i just need to find some bridemaid dresses which are turning out to be much harder than the wedding dress itself. its hard to pick a dres that everyone will like and that i like really. exspecially online.. which is basically where i have been shopping. i need to ask around and find out where other people got their brides maid dresses and check out some stores. i dont necisarrily wanna get it from a wedding store because 1. they are way over priced and 2. they all LOOK like cheesy brides maid dresses. hmm.. what to do what to do.. and than theres the question on if they should all wear the exact same dress or not. and than how do u find a dress thats flattering for all body types.. all of my girls are pretty skiny anyways but still some are more comfortable in certain things and others in other things... this proves to be challenging. trying to find red and black dresses isnt the easiest thing either. i may have to wait till christmas time. today i am making save the dates and working on rsvps. the invites and rsvps wont go out till january but seeing as we are already planning it we though save the dates would be nice and than that way people have a little more time to plan for the trip if they need it. anthony and i have been working on making decorations favors and napkins lately. its lots of fun. so glad i have the whole year or this type of stuff would end up being quit stressful to get done. but we have lots of time. i have a feeling alot of it will go on hold once summer is in full swing. thankfully we have all winter to sit inside and do these things. yay wedding planning is fun :) good mornig all. wedding plans are coming along smoothly. i never new what a big deal it was to plan a wedding. but its so much fun. running into a few things that i am trying to problem solve with decorations and stuf.. sometiems i find pictures of stuff and i think i wanna do it but i cant figure out how they did it. luckily i have a year to figure it out :) im also in a debate right now, with myself, over the LOOK i want for the dresses. cause i want us to match somewhat. so right now im trying to decide if i want 'fun' or 'clasic pretty' i think fun will suite ME more but i will like pictures with the 'classic' more when im older. and i think classic bridesmaid dresses would be easier.. hmm.. so many decisions. going to try on dresses today with my maid of honour krystle to hopefully make that decision and find a dress.. or at least have a closer idea.. still leaning towards fun though.. lol wish me luck on my dress hunt :) Hey guys so this is the first of many posts.. i found this website and thought it would be a cool idea to involve everyone in our lives a little before the wedding and include them in the planning a little. so this is our wedding blog. i will update this at least once a week if not more. and write about things we are doing as a couple or our planning of the wedding. also i will add posts once in a while about one of the bridal party members so u can get to meet them and why they are in our wedding party. i look forward to sharing our experiences with you. |